Underground.Media.Kings – The Surprise

December 23, 2016 3284 Views

Mike Sheehan (Pacific Beacon Leasing Officer) contacted me recently about shooting a video for a surprise homecoming of a deployed Service Member aboard the USS Carl Vincent. They were hoping for the T.V show “Surprise Homecoming” to cover it, but when they didn’t hear back, Mike got in touch with me to see if I could put something together for them. The Surprise went off without a hitch and Matt (deployed service member) had no idea as to the surprise his wife (Bettina) set up for him…an amazing luxury apartment at the Pacific Beacon. This was by far one of my most rewarding shoots and I can’t thank Mike Sheehan, Johny Mercado, and Pacific Beacon enough for involving me in this event! Matt & Bettina are an amazing couple, and I now have two great friends.

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