August 17, 2023 3727 Views

#military #homecoming #surprise

0:00 – Get ready to honor the Men and Women in uniform as we bring you up close and personal with touching and uplifting reunions guaranteed to not only ignite your patriotism, but warm your heart as well. Alright, let’s get started.

0:15 – The best thing about these reunions caught on video is the realness of them. You can’t fake the surprise and joy shown by the kids, Mom’s and Dad’s, Spouses, and family members. This girl is about to experience that joy for herself as her Dad saunters into her classroom after returning from deployment unannounced.

1:03 – What’s a great way to make a happy event like a graduation even happier? How about you throw in the surprise return of your Father whom you didn’t expect to make it in time for the ceremony.

1:19 – It takes these boys a moment to realize not only that there is a soldier in that bee suit, but that it’s actually their Dad returning after a long deployment. I mean, come on. The boots were a dead giveaway.

1:58 – This Air Force Staff Sergeant not only gets to share his homecoming with his two young children, but with their entire school as well. And through the power of video, we get to join in as well. It’s been a long time coming, but this family is finally whole again.

2:17 – You haven’t seen true happiness until you see the look on this boy’s face when he realizes that his Dad is standing behind him after being separated for too long.

2:44 – This little dude is shy at first when his teacher asks him a few questions about his Dad. But that shyness instantly disappears when Dad walks through the door. I think we can all feel the power of that long overdue hug.

3:48 – The last thing this little leaguer expected to see was his Marine Father on the pitching mound during the game, but there was. The boy’s reaction was priceless. Let’s take a look.

4:31 – A pep rally is an unlikely place for a reunion, but for this young lady, seeing her Dad back home and safe makes the crowd disappear, and for that moment there is only the two of them.

4:47 – We ask a lot of our service men and women when we ask them to leave their families behind to serve their country. But it makes it that much more special when they can return to the ones they left behind safe and sound. Imagine leaving your spouse and two young children like this soldier did. Well, here they are reunited and made whole once again.

5:57 – The word joy is defined as – “a feeling of great pleasure and happiness.” Well, here is the word joy personified by these two kids as they get to see their Dad after a long and painful separation.

6:27 – Husbands and Wives share a special bond. But even the long separation they endure when one is on deployment can’t break that bond. Here we see how special that bond really is when this couple is finally reunited.

6:54 – For any Mom or Dad with a child serving overseas, it’s a matter that weighs heavy on the heart. When they finally get to see them again safe and in one piece, the relief they feel is indescribable. Here we get to see that weight lifted when Mom gets to see her baby boy back from the Navy.

7:53 – This Mom can hardly believe her eyes when her hero daughter just wanders over unannounced. It’s relief, joy, disbelief, excitement, and rapture all rolled into one cocktail of heavy emotions.

9:10 – Imagine being away from your family for two years, and then just like that, the separation is over and you’re reunited with everyone you left behind to serve your country. This soldier makes the rounds surprising one loved one after another in this reunion smorgasbord of hugs and kisses.

This little girl misses her Navy Daddy so much, she keeps a stuffed bear with a recording of his voice wherever she goes. Surprise young lady, your 8 month wait is over. Daddy’s coming home.

12:09 – OK. I have to admit that I lost it at this one after hearing the backstory. This soldier’s Wife was getting ready to deliver her baby without her husband when the Army made special arrangements for him to surprise her in the hospital. Now they can both welcome the birth of their beautiful baby girl together.

Wow. I don’t know what to tell you. That was pretty emotional. Even the strongest amongst us are powerless to resist feeling overwhelmed with emotion after witnessing that video. I’m glad we did it together though. Now just like and subscribe, and we can do it again real soon. See you next time!




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  1. 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺😭🥺😭🥺🥺😭🥺🥺😭🥺😭🥺😭🥺😭🥺🥺😭🥺😭

  2. Wow!. Brings back some memories. My brother was in Lebanon on a ship waiting to return home when the the base was attacked. I was still in high school. We didn't know at the time that he had even boarded the ship; all we knew was that he was there. It was 4 days before we heard from him; that he was safe. Another 2 to 3 months before he came home!! Fast forward; my husband was sent to Kuwait at the beginning of the gulf War. "Operation Desert Storm" was underway. Our little girl and I had to say goodbye. It was nearly a year before he came home. To this day, my daughter always makes sure , whenever someone leaves; she tells them how much they are loved.

  3. The first 3 had me simply bawling my eyes out & I had tears through out the video. The baby on the guitar was hilarious. The Prom date at the end & him doing a little jig was wonderful. He was happy. We have lots of bullies in the teen age world but we also lots of wonderful teenagers that r loving to disabled teens